10 Tips How to clean your face with urine

Has a smooth face, beautiful, fresh, and free of acne is always yearning to every woman. To get facial like that, a lot of maintenance to do, ranging from a natural way to the modern ...

10 Tips How to clean your face with urine

Currently in the United Kingdom is becoming the trend of facial using urine. Yes, the women in the country to use urine to get rid of acne face to be smooth.

Facial facial treatments include a urine ektrim, due to the unusual. For some people, hear it alone already makes disgust, let alone do it.

Facial urine is done using urine as a cleanser or toner in the area face breakouts. This way proved to be able to get rid of acne face to be clean and smooth.

Regarding the use of urinalysis to eliminate acne, a Dermatology from New York City, United States, Dr. Neal Schultz MD, says, the urine is made of 95 percent water, and the other is the highest component urea. "Urea can act clears dead skin cells, this is likely why (urine) is beneficial to the skin," he said as written Women Health Magazine.

The doctor says, urea is used in many skin care products to moisturize and lift the dead skin cells. Urea are keratolitik, i.e., dissolving the keratin in the outer area of the epidermis.

"However, the urea also are humectant, because bind and retain water, by why (urine) add water to the skin. Urine good for skin care since lifting the dead skin cells and helps bind water to improve the hydration of the skin, "he said.

However, Dr. Schultz emphasized, urine actually contains a proportion of urea that is little and not too much impact on the skin. Cream-cream treatment typically contains 10 to 15 percent urea. Meanwhile, the urine is usually less than 5 percent.

Dr. Shultz rate, the use of urinalysis in skin care is excessive. Not only disgusting but it's also not as effective as the rich creams contain urea.
10 Tips How to clean your face with urine | hanyaramalanbintang | 5