Five heart health tips for seniors

Heart disease in the Elderly and how to overcome it. Heart disease in the elderly have causes that the multifaktorial overlap. For that we must first understand the concept of Risk Factors and degenerative diseases. Risk factors is a habit, a disorder and other factors when found/owned someone would cause that person is significantly more likely to suffer certain degenerative diseases.

Based on data obtained from research in the USA in 2001, heart disease frequently found is 13% of coronary heart disease, Acute myocardial infarction, Valvular Abnormalities 8% 4% 2%, heart failure, heart disease and hypertension Hipertensif 1%.

Five heart health tips for seniors

Heart disease in the Elderly and how to overcome it

Symptoms, signs and Diagnosis of heart disease in the Elderly

  • Dyspnoe and prekordial pain is often lighter.
  • Angina pectoris pain rarely found, because pd elderly ischemic yg area is the small coronary vessels and nerve endings
  • Sensory on the heart decreases.
  • Fatique lbh often from dyspnoe.
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoe often found.
  • Other symptoms: konfusio (delirious), vomitingabdominal pain due to hepatomegaly, insomniasyncope and hypotension
  • Noise due to systolic calcification or sclerosis leaves the ring and valve.
  • Noisy diastolic abnormalities cause generally organic. Arrhythmia (+) pd 40% of elderly, often due to drinking coffee or tea.

Tips to prevent heart disease in the elderly:

1. Say no to smoking
No word is too late to stop smoking, including for the elderly. Life-threatening heart disease mostly due to the habit of smoking and inhaling cigarette smoke.

2. Expand the custom foot
One of the tips for a healthy heart is to get used to active living. A short walk around the grounds housing for example, is a simple breathing exercise to help keep theheart healthy.

3. Yoga
Yoga is another way to keep your heart as you reach old age. Yoga helps quiet the mind and fight stress that can put pressure on your heart also.

4. Healthy eating
Multiply eat foods fat-free source of protein and high in nutrition is one way to fight the disease that is associated with the heart. Make sure you eat healthy food for the heart, such as greenery.

5. Maintain weight
Being overweight or obese is one threat to circulation system and body metabolism.With increasing age, the body's ability to prop up overweight also is definitely reduced. Therefore, exercising or rutinlah remains active to keep the weight stay healthy.

Five heart health tips for seniors | hanyaramalanbintang | 5