Health tips for dry skin

Health tips for dry skin   facial skin as well as skin to dry hands and feet are commonplace and many experienced by both men and women. Many of them let him away with it without looking for a solution how to cope with the dry skin. But not a few others looking for how to cope with dry skin, especially women. Before discussing about the way there is no harm to the surrounding skin dry first, especially what are the causes of dry skin.

When viewed in terms of medical dry skin is one of the health disorders that are called with iktiosis. Iktiosis itself is a loss of moisture the skin layers epidermis, thus causing less elastic. Skin that is dry will cause other problems such as dull skin, sensitive skin, skin redness, and other skin problems.

Health tips for dry skin

You need to know that dry skin can be caused due to various factors. Factors causedry skin include, i.e. because of hereditary factors, side effects of drugs, lack of water, lack of intake of vitamin B2 and E, sun exposure, and much more. You can try applying some way overcome dry skin naturally here.

1. Choose the right moisturizer
Skin moisturizers you can find easily at the beauty shop. If you've tried wearing a moisturizer but still dry try using other brands of products change. The most recommended moisturizers products namely moisturizing cream-shaped.

2. Use sunscreen

One of the causes of dry skin i.e., exposure to sunlight, so make sure you apply a sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

3. Avoid hot showers
If you are often showered with hot water then start now avoid the habit because hot water can be meluruhkan the natural oils from the skin cells so that it can reduce the moisture to your skin.

4. White water consumption
If you often work in air-conditioned room should reproduce the consumption of white water to avoid dehydration and also dry skin.

How to fix a dry and dull facial skin Naturally:

1. With olive oil, eggsand lemon
How namely mixing olive oil to taste with the egg yolks, then whisk and give a few drops of lemon water. Flush your face first, then apply the mix to the rest of the skinof the face. Let sit a few moments or until it dries itself, the last step i.e. rinse with water until clean.

2. Avocado and honey Mask
The trick with smooth avocado fruit which is ripe and then mixing it with 1 tablespoon pure honey. After well blended then apply on face for 15-30 minutes. The last step i.e. rinse face with water until clean.

3. Banana and olive oil Mask
One fruit puree bananas are ripe then give 2-3 drops of olive oil. After well blendedlives apply on your face. Let sit a few moments until it dries and then clean the facewith water.

4. Tomato and lemon Mask
First halve lemon squeezed into two parts, one part of the course and take the water. Next steps i.e. smoothing 2 pieces fresh tomato. Then mix lemon juice with tomatoes that are already mashed. Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes then rinse your face with water.

So some tips how to tackle dry skin that you can try. Some natural masks above ought to be applied routinely in your facial skin is dry and dull. The use of moisturizingbody lotion or you can apply in the skin of the hands and feet dry. May be useful and may your skin so moisturized.
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