Natural health tips for skin

Personality is a holistic representation of who you are in the eyes of others. Therefore, your skin plays a very important to your finest appearance. Beautiful and healthy skin will add to your personality, because it shows Your concern towards yourself and everything around you. That's why a lot of people willing to spend a lot of money just for cosmetic or skin care beauty disalon. As much as they're trying to give a touch over the last minute, there are many things you can do every day to keep your skin in order to be always healthy.

Natural health tips for skin

Before we give you tips for healthy skin, we also need to mention anything that can cause damage to the skin.

Here below some of the main causes of skin damage:

1. Lack of hydration : same as other parts of the body, the skin also needs to be hydrated in order to awake the moisture and its elasticity. Skin cells also is made of water and need to be replenished to keep it hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is the only way to keep avoiding dry skin and keep it elastic because water has been claimed as the best food for the skin.

2. Smoke : Smoke will cause susceptible to a variety of respiratory and heart  problems. In addition it will also cause susceptibility to skin, so that it becomes dry and chapped.

3. Sunshine: it was fun if moving outside the room and in the Sun. But the solar UV papara can cause damage to your skin. You can't avoid the Sun, but you can use the protection of the skin from the Sun.

4. Lack of exercise: lack of exercise can make you fat, which in turn can bring a lot of health problems. It also can make the skin become less shiny or dull. Sufficient blood flow and smoothly is crucial, so that oxygen can reach well into the rest of the body to any cells including skin cells.

5. Bad eating habits: the skin desperately needs different nutrients, and you won't find it in Your penchant for fast food. By entering the proper nutrients from healthy diet, then your skin will respond in a way shows its beauty.

Now you already know about what you need for the health of your skin, and stop to do so. The following can You do to get healthy skin:

Tips on how to get healthy skin

Minimize the use of makeup

Minimize the use of makeup. No need to have to always use blush, concealer, foundation, mousse or any of that. It can only provide a layer to your skin so that complexion looks bright, but how is the State of your real skin? Is it really that bright? No matter how expensive brand of cosmetics do you use, all that most can damage your skin. We're not telling you to throw You off the shelf on makup, but use on certain days/special only. The rest you can only use toner, skin to moisturize and use sunscreen. Let your skin breathe.

Facial cleansing

All beauty experts have already advised how often a good way to maintain the health of the skin. One is to immediately clean all dirt and makeup of your skin after sticking a day. Your face should be cleaned of all chemicals contained in makeup. Makeup acted as a tight mask on your face and make your facial pores are clogged. If you went to bed still with all this makeup, so when you wake up the next day already with a big Zit.

Use sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must for your skin, because sunlight outside can be harmful to the skin. Skin cancer, premature aging, skin rash all of this could be because your skin is exposed to too much sun exposure without any protection.

Use a big dollop of sunscreen with SPF in your face every time you will get out of the House to protect your skin from all the anomalies caused by sunlight. Beauty expert also suggested to use sunscreen, even when at home or in the car or even in flight.

Exfoliating facial

All the tips on healthy skin for women said that should do the mengelupaskan faces (Exfoliating) at least twice a week. Rubbing the face will clear the rest of the skin off the solid face, that might clog pores and cause acne and blackheads. Rubbing the face will also increase the brightness to your skin, clean the skin well from all the toxins. But do every day, because it can cause dry skin.


In addition to maintaining hydration internally through many a drink, you also need to use a good moisturizer to nourish your skin. Moisturizer does not add moisture, but to lock moisture, therefore it is important to keep the skin from dehydration. To do routine daily after shower to moisturize your face to stay hydrated. Before going to bed, put a towel moistened with warm water on your face for a few moments. This way your facial pores will open, allowing the moisturizers to seep into your skin.

Eating the right foods to get healthy skin

The food will give life to your skin. Everything you eat everyday contribute to healthy skin. Here are a few foods that are good for keeping the skin healthy:

a. Vitamin C rich foods:

Vitamin C producing collagen is responsible for the firmness of your skin. So it's understandable, if a deficiency of vitamin C leads to the formation of wrinkles at an early age. Vitamin C is also an anti-oxidant that is useful for preventing damage to collagen. With foods rich in vitamin C, then your skin will never experience dryness, wrinkles, and fine lines around the eyes or lips. Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and red bell pepper can You enter into the diet for the skin to look younger.

b. Vitamin A: 

All leafy red, Orange and green is a rich source of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A). This is necessary for the formation of cells, so that the surface of your skin remains smooth. Carotenoids also protects the skin from the Sun. Radish, sweet potato, carrots, spinach, pumpkins are all rich sources of Vitamin A.

c. Healthy fats:

Nuts are a good source of fat for health. The fat from nuts is the omega-3 fatty acids are healthy. Eat a handful of almonds and walnuts every day to clean and supple skin. Flax seed is another good option for getting omega-3 fatty acids. If you are a non-vegetarian, eat salmon at least twice a week, because this type of fish rich in omega-3.

Your oil consumption of dishes should also be heeded. Switch to olive oil is a rich source of monounsaturated fats or fats are healthy. This will make the skin look clean and bright.

d. Tomatoes:

Very special tomato for healthy facial skin. The fruit of these vegetables contain a magical material called lypocene, which is an anti-oxidant that helps us to fight aging. This can keep your skin of all signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots and skin saggy.

e. Zinc and iron:

Eggs, meat, oysters and cereal is a good source of zinc and iron to your body. Zinc helps produce cells to replace cells that die, so that will give your face looking fresh. Your body needs iron to carry oxygen throughout the body.

f. Eat foods high in fiber:

If you are a person who suffers from Acne often, then think to eat fiber-rich foods in your diet. One of the reasons the breakouts is indigestion. And the best solution is to keep the digestive system with foods that are rich in fiber. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, apples, bananas, oatmeal is a proven solution to minimize acne.

g. Drinking enough water:

Drink enough water every day to keep your skin hydrated. Don't let your skin feel thirsty. To get the appearance of the skin is soft, supple and fresh, drinking enough water is a must. Follow this diet for healthy skin, and reduce the fatty makananyang eat all the fried and unhealthy.
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