6 benefits of papaya fruit for health remedies

This plant originates from Central America. But, who would not know a papaya? Almost everyone knows and even likes the papaya. A young fruit is delicious made vegetable, leaf vegetables bad for any youth. Moreover, the fruit is ripe, so sweet.

However, it is rare to know that papaya are delicious, tasty and refreshing sweet it has chemical properties and pharmacological effects are awesome.

6 benefits of papaya fruit for health remedies

Papaya (Carica papaya) who in Tatar Sunda is called Pawpaw can be used as a cure of various diseases. Leaves, fruit, root, seed, until the resin can be used to cure diseases such as acne, light, cold, korengan, until the disease is severe kidney pain and cancer.

Papaya tree-shaped shrubs, including Gummy, growing erect height can reach 10 meters. The stem is hollow, round leather wax is there sign former stalk the leaves that had been off. Papaya is a fruit that grows on land chronically moist and not flooded.

Papayas bear fruit throughout the year starting at the age of 6-7 months, begin to decrease after age 4 years. Fruit, flowers, young leaves, stems can be eaten. Young fruit for the mengkal, dirujak or made of sweets, eaten as ripe fruit pieces. Young leaves for vegetables, boiled vegetables as mature.

Chemical properties and pharmacological effects of papaya on them, the roots of deciduous as pee, anthelmintic, boosters of the stomach. The seeds as anthelmintic and deciduous. Ripe fruits to spur digestive enzymes, bile of deciduous, strengthen the stomach. Young fruit as a mild laxative, ASI, and the leaves can be to increase appetite and deciduous. The following concoction of papaya for several diseases:

Malaria-half a glass of papaya leaves young clean freshly washed then ground smooth, add 3/4 cup water salt to taste and Cook, squeezed and filtered. Drink three times a day.

Inflammation of the kidneys, kidney stones, bladder pain-three fingers of papaya roots are washed and cut into pieces as necessary, then simmered with a glass of clean water to 4.5 left half of it. Once filtered and cold drink with honey to taste, three times a day 3/4 cups.

Cancer-Half papaya leaves are rather young, 1/4 handheld leaf cereme young handheld, 1/3 Red spinach leaves, 2 finger carrot, 1/4 handheld leaf star fruit, washed clean and then milled smooth, kneaded with half a glass of water to cook and 3 tablespoons pure honey. Squeezed and filtered, and then drink 3 times a day 1/2 glasses.

Heartburn-A fruit of the papaya tree's ripe, peeled and washed with water to cook the salt a bit, cut into pieces and then eaten, twice a day as many times as necessary, after eating.

Acne-Sap diusapkan papaya on pimples, but should not be subject to the eye. When the subject's eyes quickly washed with sugar water.

Fever-papaya Seeds finely ground and then add vinegar to taste. Used for smearing the body heat.

6 benefits of papaya fruit for health remedies | hanyaramalanbintang | 5